Roger-A. d’Hulst collection
... on Jacques Jordaens and other Flemish masters

Roger-A. d'Hulst (1917-1996) was not only a professor of art history at Ghent University, he also played a crucial role in setting up the Centrum Rubenianum. This collection contains the documentation he collected for a wide range of research.
Rubens' drawn oeuvre
The professor primarily specialised in Flemish art, and more specifically Rubens and Jordaens (1593-1678). Together with Ludwig Burchard, he compiled the catalogue of Rubens' drawings and published it as a complete work in 1963. The catalogue was considered the reference work for Rubens' drawn oeuvre for more than 60 years, until researcher Anne-Marie Logan produced an even more comprehensive publication on the subject. You will also find her archive in the Rubenshuis.
Jordaens in the spotlight
In 1974, d'Hulst published a catalogue detailing the complete drawn oeuvre of Jacques Jordaens. His working archive includes notes, correspondence and images on Jordaens, handily arranged by theme. The remaining documentation, on other artists and schools, was largely incorporated into the artwork documentation which is available in the library of the Rubenshuis.