Support us
Your support makes the difference. Whether it's a financial contribution, knowledge or enthusiasm: your support really makes a difference for the Rubenshuis. Find out how you can support us.

Become a friend
The more friends, the bigger the party! Rubens also liked to surround himself with a whole entourage. Would you or your company like to become a member of the Friends of the Rubenshuis? You will enjoy free admission to the museum and the exhibitions, both in the Rubenshuis and in other museums in Antwerp. But also exclusive previews and a 10% discount in the museum shop.
Young people: (18 - 25 years): 1 membership card (1 person) for 40 euros per year
Individual: 1 membership card (1 person) for 60 euros per year
Family: 2 membership cards (2 persons) for 100 euros per year
Individual Sponsor:
Company: 2 membership cards (2 persons) for 500 euros a year
Our friends get:
- one year of free entry (from opening)
- 10% discount on purchases in the shop
- one year free admission to all Antwerp municipal museums (except the Maagdenhuis)
- an annual meeting with all Friends of the Rubenshuis
- the chance to bring a friend along to the Rubenshuis twice a year free of charge
- a digital newsletter of the Friends of the Rubenshuis
Our friends are welcome on:
- exclusive excursions
- the annual Friends' trip abroad
A Friend gets even more and enjoys:
- early bird access to all excursions and trips of The Friends of the Rubenshuis
- an invitation to an exclusive event of The Friends of the Rubenshuis
- an invitation for an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour
- name entry in the newsletter of The Friends of the Rubenshuis
I become a friend
By bank transfer with The Friends of the Rubenshuis IBAN BE46 2200 0039 7736 (BIC GEBABEBB) and mentioning 'Membership fee year first name'.
I have a question about the friends
Please contact

Become a donor
By making a donation, you help write our story. Whether the donation is a sum of money or an object, as an individual or as a company: we will be incredibly grateful. Did you know that you don't have to pay taxes on a financial donation to a good cause? So you get almost half of your donation back from the taxman!
I want to donate a financial sum
Via bank transfer with AG/Erfgoed IBAN BE42 4097 5857 0154 BIC KREDBEBB and stating 'gift Rubenshuis'.
I want to donate an object
Contact us at to see how your valuable art object can enhance our museum.
I want to include Rubenshuis in my bequest
Do you want to leave a bequest to the Rubenshuis? Definitely discuss this with your notary. You can find more info here.