Who is who 

Forty staff members with a passion for Rubens: we'd love to introduce them to you!  

Who is who 

Recreating Rubens's spirit (and team spirit) today

Rubens always made sure he was surrounded by pupils and staff who doing what they did best. And we don't want to do any less! Day in, day out, our staff always work to the best of their ability to deliver an unforgettable experience for you, our visitors. Whether they do that in plain sight or behind the scenes, all of them are living up to Rubens's wish to ensure that every visitor receives a warm welcome and a healthy dose of inspiration.  

Get to know our team: 


  • Bert Watteeuw: director
  • Annemie Breëns: transition manager 


Business Operations

  • Simon Goyvaerts: business assistant


Building and alterations

  • Michiel Schul: facilities manager 
  • Marieke D'Hooghe: project leader
  • Martine Maris: curator artist's residence


Collection & library

  • Ute Staes: head of collections & curator of research collections and rare books
  • Abigail Newman: research curator
  • Monique Kontzen: conservation and collection management
  • Klara Alen: research curator historical garden 
  • Elise Gacoms: coordinator content, digitization & data
  • Martine Van de Poel: library and reading room assistant
  • Inez Bricteux: library and reading room assistant
  • Saar Vandeweghe: project manager digitizing the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

Front of house & audience engagement

  • Liene Conard: coordinator of audience engagement
  • Maria Vasquez: audience engagement 
  • Colette Van den Bossche: event coordinator
  • Peggy van Overloop: administrative audience engagement 
  • Nathalie De Cock: receptionist
  • Wouter Goossens: receptionist
  • Tinne Lernout: receptionist
  • Leilani Magno: receptionist
  • Rokiatou Samaké: receptionist
  • Johanna Schavey: receptionist

Communication & press

  • Harlinde Pellens: communication
  • Louise Govaerts: communication
  • Laura Kerstens: press officer Antwerp City Museums

Centrum Rubenianum 

  • Nils Büttner: chairman
  • Isabelle Van Tichelen: director of publications and treasurer
  • Bert Schepers: senior editor
  • Brecht Vanoppen: editor