A sustainable vision
Sustainability is a long-term process. This is how we approach it at the Rubenshuis.

A sustainable future
Taking a satisfied look back at Rubens would be impossible without a focused plan for the future. That is why we've chosen to play the sustainability card for all it's worth, both in the newly constructed part of the museum, in the artist's residence and in the courtyard garden. The work to achieve is still far from complete. But step by step, we're evolving into a fully sustainable museum. Here is a summary of the most recent changes we've made:
- 48 solar panels installed on the roof of the new entrance at Hopland 13
- Ecological stepping stones in the garden
- A system to capture rainwater for use in the toilets and in the garden, consisting of six underground rainwater tanks, each with a capacity of 15,000 litres
- A waste policy and the re-use of materials
- Communication and administration carried out digitally as much as possible
- Raising awareness amongst the in-house workforce and also amongst external suppliers (by means of sustainability criteria when making purchases and issuing specifications)